
Research publications

Electronic scientific libraries: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, eLIBRARY.ru (RSCI)

List of publications in editions indexed in the Scopus database for 04.06.2021 (504 pieces)

List of publications in editions indexed in the Scopus database for 01.04.2021 (462 pieces)

List of publications in editions indexed in the Scopus database in 2019-2020

List of publications in editions indexed in Web of Science database in 2016-2021 for 04.06.2021 (266 pieces)

List of publications in editions indexed in Web of Science database for 01.04.2021 (301 pieces)

List of publications in editions indexed in Web of Science database in 2019-2020

List of publications in magazines from HAC list 2019 (according to RSCI)

Archive of publications list in magazines from HAC list


In assisting authors of scientific publications

Form of data collection (to the order on registration of teaching staff in electronic systems)