Research and Educational Centre Unmanned Technologies in water transport
Research and Educational Centre “Unmanned Technologies in water transport” was created on the basis of the Department of Shipping on Inland Waterways and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation. Besides employees of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and River Shipping, specialists from other organizations concerned with the development, creation, implementation and operation issues of unmanned systems in general, as well as individual technological solutions that make it possible to implement unmanned shipping in sea and inland waterways, take part in the center activities. The center is always open for cooperation with interested persons and organizations.
Main areas of activities:
- Regulatory support of unmanned shipping –assistance in formation and development of regulatory basis that allow operation of unmanned vessels and facilities in marine areas and in inland waterways of the Russian Federation.
- Shipping and information support of unmanned water transport technologies – researches and development of applied solutions for shipping and information unmanned ships and objects that allow to provide their effective and accident-free operation.
- Operation and maintenance of unmanned water transport systems - development of techniques, methods and approaches to the control (management) of ships and facilities built on the basis of unmanned technologies that allow to ensure the required level of shipping safety; development and creation of methods that allow to implement remote operation of ship power plants, ship electrical equipment, automation and communications.
- Training and certification of specialists – development of training methods and programs for operators and responsible persons for safe operation of ships and facilities being build on the basis of unmanned technologies and also methods that allow to certify operators and responsible persons for safe operation of such ships and facilities.
- Technical aspects of unmanned water transport technologies - researches of the possibilities of a digital basic technological platform for testing unmanned solutions in water transport; development of automatic navigation systems for whole autonomous and remote sailing modes.