
European Maritime and Inland OBT Center



Director of the European Center for the Organization of Maritime and River Transport Training Practices 
Aleksandr Michailovich Kamelin 
office 413, 15а, Kosaya Linia
tel. + 7 (812) 322-72-43,  local tel. 361
E-mail: ZinovievSA@gumrf.ru
Chief Specialist of the European Center for the Organization of Educational Practices of Maritime and River Transport 
Aleksandr Michailovich Kamelin 
office 413, 15а, Kosaya Linia
Mobile tel. +7-(911)-225-77-87 
tel. + 7 (812) 322-72-43
E-mail: KamelinAM@gumrf.ru
Chief Specialist of the European Center for the Organization of Educational Practices of Maritime and River Transport 
Sergey Nikolaevich Saveliev  
office 413, 15а, Kosaya Linia
Mobile tel. + 7 (911) 944-10-40
Mentor Captain of the European Center for the Organization of Educational Practices of the Sea and River Transport
Chegurov Alexey Yurievich
office 413, 15а, Kosaya Linia

European Maritime and Inland OBT Center coordinates OBT arrangement for cadets and students of higher educational institutions subordinate to the Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport in European part of the Russian Federation.

One of the important aspects of the Center’s activity is the planning of group OBTs onboard the Sail Training Ship “Mir” so that the cadets are provided with the required registered sea-period and certification for qualified enlisted crewmembers.